How can I get a job?

I was told as a child by a teacher, "If a person wants to learn something in life and if he is having difficulty in learning, he should start teaching. He will understand that thing, that subject." I didn't understand the time but when I started life and business coaching it benefited others or not but my own concept about life became clearer.

I began to understand life better than before. My clients now ask me, "You have never run a factory yourself. You are not even divorced. How do you understand these problems?"

I laugh and say, "Heart attack is not necessary to become a cardiologist." If they laugh too, I beg them. "I learned all this from you. You have come." I listened to your stories. The successful model of one was given to the other and the model of the other was given to the first. People have read and understood the solutions to most of the problems of life and business. ”

People don't believe me, they think I'm kidding, but I'm telling the truth. The world's largest university is the age and its greatest professors are people. You sit in the classrooms of the time and Keep listening to people's experiences. You will have a lot of knowledge on your right and left. If you don't believe, you can do it. You will agree.I have a client in Karachi. He is a billionaire at the moment. He is involved in construction business. He does development work in big housing schemes. He builds roads. He builds bridges and sewerage systems. They were stuck in family issues and they kept coming to me for two or three months. They told me the story of their life once and I used it to make jobs, jobs and business models. This model is still there. Has made dozens of people happy.

He was born in a very poor family in a small village in Sindh. He was educated in a madrassa. He received a scholarship from the board and succeeded in doing his BA. He then came to Karachi for a job. He started walking around different offices wearing clean clothes but he was not getting any work. He tried to get a job up to Chapdasi but this job was not available to him either. His room was rented. They used to ask their relatives for money and rent buses and rickshaws.

All these sources also ran out one day. The relatives stopped lending more. The room rent also went up and they went hungry all day. One day they walked out of the house in great distress. On the way. A house was being built. There was a pile of bricks in the street and the laborers were picking up the bricks and putting them in order. The masons call this arrangement in their language ada or thapa. Soomro Sahib saw this. An interesting idea came to mind. He put it on his file side. He folded the cuffs of his shirt and started laying bricks with the workers.The workers stopped them but they said, 'I am helping you for free. I don't want anything from you in return.' The workers stared at them in amazement. He was watching them carefully. When his work was over, he picked up the file and walked away quietly. When the contractor saw him, he ran to him and tried to grab him some money. He smiled and refused and said that I did not do this job out of greed for any compensation. It was hot. I saw poor laborers working in the sun. I started helping them.

The contractor said, "But you will have to take this compensation in any case." Soomro took the money but did not go home after taking the money. He went straight to the shop in front and made milk soda from there. And the contractor and the workers were all given that milk soda. The contractor and the workers got free with him and started asking him about his background. He told his whole story. The contractor offered him his day. Find a job but come in the evening and fix my account. I will give you a thousand rupees a month. They agreed immediately. They used to look for a job all day and in the evening they would fix the contractor's account. ۔

The process lasted for a month. During this time, they noticed that the suppliers of bricks, gravel, sand and cement were hitting the poles in quantity and quantity. They took more money from the contractor and also gave less material. Went to the contractor and offered him "I will stop your leakage and also bring cheap material from the market. Is this acceptable to you?"

The contractor said yes, he said, "But I have a condition." The contractor asked, "Did they say, 'We will stop the leak and give you the discount from the vendors.' What will they do half-heartedly? ”The contractor agreed immediately. They then began to take all the bricks and gravel from the brick suppliers, sand and cement from the suppliers on the one hand, and on the other hand by talking directly to the factories. They started taking margins, which benefited both them and the contractor.

He gradually expanded his work and six months later he started supplying to the contractor and three years later he was a very big contractor himself and he is a billionaire today. He claimed that he got all these achievements for three hours for free. "If they hadn't picked up the bricks that day, they would still be looking for a job today," he said. "Our young people waste as much time looking for a job as if only ten percent of it was in a company." If you work for free at an institution or shop, they will become employed in a matter of days.

I liked the idea. I made a job formula on this idea and started giving it to unemployed youth. Believe me, the results were amazing. If you are young and unemployed, you can also try it. Yes, you will get a job in a few days and also the key to progress in life. This formula is very simple. You have to decide first whether you want to get a job or your own business. I?

After selecting the department, select the two companies in the department and start visiting their office or institution from tomorrow. You should never ask them for a job. You should offer them a free job. You tell them. I can also work as a tea boy in your office and clean the bathroom and help in the kitchen. If they don't let you in, you can sit outside their office and go inside. Start cleaning workers' vehicles but don't go back.

You can be sure that space will be created for you in this office and you will reach the top of it. Remember that money and position are both "byproducts" of work. You can only get rich or reach a great position if you work. The word work comes first and work comes later. The word 'successful' does not mean 'successful', it means you have to find work first and you will find success later but we start looking for 'successful' before work. And so we waste a lot of time and energy, so I suggest you decide during your studies what you have to do and as soon as your education is over, you will return to work the next day.

It is possible that in the beginning you will not get the desired job in the office but you do not care. You just get on the train somehow. Even if you do not find a place to put your feet on the steps. You just Hang on to the train, you believe it, insha'Allah, insha'Allah you will get a chance to get in the box and you will get the seat you want and secondly you will get the money after work. You will definitely get so much money. It may be late but there is no darkness in the factory of nature. If you do not believe, try it. The results will surprise you too.


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