
5GCroCo will trial 5G technologies in the cross-border corridor along France, Germany and Luxembourg. In addition, 5GCroCo also aims at defining new business models that can be built on top of this unprecedented connectivity and service provisioning capacity. Ultimately, 5GCroCo will impact relevant standardization bodies from the telco and automotive industries.

The possibility of providing connected, cooperative and autonomous mobility (CCAM) services along different countries when vehicles traverse various national borders has a huge innovative business potential. However, the seamless provision of connectivity and the uninterrupted delivery of services along borders also poses interesting technical challenges. The situation is particularly challenging given the multi-country, multi-operator, multi-telco-vendor, and multi-vehicle-OEM scenario of any cross-border layout. Motivated by this, 5GCroCo brings together a strong consortium from both, European automotive and mobile communications industries, with the explicit support of road traffic authorities and the respective national governments (through letters of support), to develop innovation at the intersection of these two industrial sectors. The aim is to define a successful path towards the provision of CCAM services along cross-border scenarios and reduce the uncertainties of a real 5G cross-border deployment. 5GCroCo aims at trialling 5G technologies in the cross-border corridor connecting the cities of Metz-Merzig-Luxembourg, traversing the borders between France, Germany and Luxembourg.

The objective is to validate advanced 5G features, such as New Radio, MEC-enabled distributed computing, Predictive QoS, Network Slicing, and improved positioning systems, all combined together, to enable innovative use cases for CCAM. 5GCroCo aims at defining new business models that can be built on top of this unprecedented connectivity and service provisioning capacity, also ensuring that relevant standardization bodies from the two involved industries are impacted.

First Achievement

5GCroCo started on 1st November 2018. Since then, the use cases and user stories that will be trialed have been specified. Also, the test cases and test sites have been identified. The initial end-to-end architecture for cross-border network handover, end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) with network slicing, Mobile Edge Computing/Cloud (MEC) and positioning architecture, have been also defined. Furthermore, an initial application architecture has been defined and described, and responsibilities for component development have been agreed.

5GCroCo business potentials have also been described. Besides, ethical issues regarding human participation in trials have been considered. In addition, a set of procedures have been established to maximize safety during the execution of the trials and to provide an informed consent for research participants. Protection of personal data ethical issues has been also evaluated in order to minimize personal data used during the execution of the project.

The activities of the 5GCroCo project have been presented in a number of events like MWC’19, EUCAD’19, ARCADE stakeholder workshop and “Project day 2019 Cross-Border Testbed Germany-France-Luxembourg” to different target audiences. In some of these events, 5GCroCo, 5G-Carmen and 5G-MOBIX, all three ICT-18 projects, presented themselves jointly. In addition, the three projects together organized a workshop at EUCNC’19.

5GCroCo outcomes have been also disseminated through the project website [5gcroco.eu] and social media, both in Twitter and LinkedIn. Specific measures have been taken to increase the awareness about the 5GCroCo project and its results within the society.


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