Earn $40 Per Hour Watching Videos Online (FREE) Worldwide Make Money Online | Branson Tay



get into the video so right now step one


you're gonna click


to play a video and step 2 you have to


watch the video for at least


10 seconds and step 3 you can cash out


your earnings and boom


as simple as that so right now i want


you to take a look at all of these


videos right here that you can literally


watch it on your phone and you can make

a lot of money online i want you to take


a look at the proof of payments as you

can see here today 28th

of august there are a lot of people


already cashing out their earnings as


you can see here one dollars and 51


cents two dollars and when i scroll down


below even up to


12 or 13 by simply watching videos and


when i scroll down below you can see


that they're literally pages and pages


of real people from different countries


in the world they're able to cash out


their earnings right on this website so


right now you might be thinking how much


money can you actually earn from


watching videos take a look at this if


you are watching videos for just


one hour you can easily earn about 40 us


dollars so right now when you're


watching for two hours you earn 80


and when you're watching for three hours


you earn 120


and you can repeat this as much as you


want and the best thing about this


method is that this is


100 free meaning you don't need any


money at all to get started and yes this


is available


worldwide and all you need is just a


mobile phone or a computer and you can


literally start making money right now


starting today


so in this quick video i'll show you how


to sign up for a free account and i'll


be giving you a lot of bonus tips i'll


show you which videos that's gonna pay


you the most amount of money and also


i'll be showing you a live


example so that you can see me do


everything step by step right on this


video and on top of that i'll have a


little surprise at the end of this video

that can help you to earn


double more money compared to other


people so make sure you keep watching


and don't miss out on that now before we


get into this video can you please help


me to like this video


you are absolutely amazing and also


don't forget to subscribe to all three


of my YouTube channels go down


below and click on the subscribe button


right now and also turning on all the


notification bell and by doing that


you're gonna be the first one to get


notified whenever i release a brand new


video and if you want my number one


recommendation and the best way to make


money online


on a budget make sure you click on the


first link down in the video description


click on that link and put in your email


address and i sent you over all the


details into your email inbox


and with that being said let's get into


the video so right now first of all i


want to introduce you


this brand new website which is swing


box as you can see here you can get paid


every 15 seconds


it's a trusted and sustainable website


so as you can see right here there are a


lot of different videos different


channels that you can watch to earn


money online and the earning potential


is unlimited in just a moment i'll show


you how you can watch a very simple


videos just like this as you can see




video will play after this advertisement


i'll show you how you can watch this 10


second advertisement and watch this


video and you can earn money over and


over again


and that's exactly how all of these guys


here they're able to make a lot of money


online right here on this website

every single day so right here very


important i want you to take a look at


this you can earn money for free with

multiple ways


on this website now first of all you can


view ads and earn money online and


secondly you can click

on the clicks grid and you can earn


money as well and this is a very cool


method and i'll be showing you as a


bonus at the end of this video


make sure you keep watching but once


again our focus on today's video is by


simply watching videos as you can see


here you can watch videos and get paid


for that


so right here i just want to quickly


step one i want to show you how to sign


up for a free account on swingbox and i


want you to go and click on this


register button right here and as you

can see here that's going to take you to

registration page now you can register


on your phone you can register on your


computer and i want you to comment down

below and let me know what type of


are you using do you use a phone or do


you use a computer so right now first of

all for the general information just put


in your full name your username your




confirm your password and just put in


your email address and also on the


second part which is the payment account


now you can receive your money into your


paypal account


in perfect money or in payer just put in


your payment information for example


your paypal email address right on this




and once again if you want to get paid


in other different payment method you


can do that as well once you login into

your account and i want you to comment


down below and let me know


what is your preferred payment method in


your country so right here once you're


done with everything you got to do the


image verification and type whatever you


see in this box so say for example in


this case it's


exact plb and i'm just going to click on


this one right here to agree to the


rules and click on the register button


as simple as that so right now on step


number two once you're able to login


into your account you can find different


advertisements and different videos that


you can watch to make money online so


right now as you can see here these are


all the different companies right on


this website meaning you have a lot of




opportunities take a look at this daily


ass so right here you can find different


companies they provide you with fresh


new video ads that you can watch to make

money online but right now as you can


see here the number one problem that


beginners face is that they don't know


which company or which video ads should


they watch


and focus to make the most amount of


money so this is gonna be the first


bonus tip that i give you who are still


watching right now


is i want you to focus on micro s and


the reason why i want you to focus


on this category is because you can just


simply watch a 10 second videos


and you can make money online so right


now as you can see here for example you


can focus on cash for clicks all you got


to do just click on this link right her

and as you can see here that's gonna


take you to this page where you can find


different videos that you can watch to


make money online so right now when you


scroll down below you can find your


different series and different videos


that you can just click on them and you


can just


watch it for 10 seconds and you can


actually make money so the first thing


that i want you to do is to actually


click on this link on top which is


recommended the reason why is because


this is the latest video


meaning you can have more ads on the


video and you can earn more money online


so right now as you can see here when i


scroll down below under this category


which is caught on camera


i want you to click on save for example


this video right here national dark days


and that's gonna take you to this page


as you can see here and the video will


actually start playing


and one very important thing that i want


you to take note is that as you can see




when you look at this at the bottom


right video will play after this



and the reason why you and i can


actually get paid by simply watching




is because inside this video they have a


lot of different advertisement as you


can see here


this is actually an advertisement so


right now as you can see here when i


click on the play button the


advertisement will run so all you got to


do just wait for 10 seconds


for the entire advertisement to finish


and that's how you can earn money on


this website and

boom as you can see here after 10


seconds of the video ads finished




they're gonna start playing a normal


video as you can see here so right now


all you gotta do


just keep on watching and wait for the


next video ads to pop up and wait for 10


seconds and you can earn


a lot of money again so right now i want


to give you another bonus tip is that


you can actually turn off the volume of

your video as you can see here


you can click on this one to mute the


video and turn off the volume and by


doing that you can actually let the


video play


at the background and you can do your


own things you can do your other stuff


on another browser so this is a very


powerful method that you can watch


multiple videos at the same time if you


have a computer if you have a phone


right you can open up multiple browsers


using different devices the more


video that you're actually playing the


more chances that you're gonna find a


video as and by watching the video for


10 seconds you can actually make money


over and over again


so i just want to quickly announce the


first winner of today's video


congratulations to mary now if you want


to enter the next giveaway make sure you


subscribe to all three of my youtube


channels and i'll leave the subscribe


link in the video description below


so right now i want to give you another


bonus tip is that when you're watching


the video


you can actually make it minimize at a


below here as you can see and i can go


on and choose another video that i want


to watch for example i can click on this


video right here for example highlights


from the tc


session robotics i can just click on


this video right here and as you can see


here the video at the bottom video will




after this advertisement and once again


as you can see here i got another video


ads meaning i can earn money once again


so right now i want to give you another


bonus tip is that you're gonna notice


that whenever you watch a new video you


are guaranteed to have a one video ads


in front of the video that's gonna give


you a lot of guaranteed income


and once you finish watching the entire


advertisement and when the video starts


you might find about two


three or sometimes four video ads from


just one video


and once again if you're gonna go on to


sleep or you want to go on to outside


and you want to make money on complete


autopilot you can actually go on and


click on this button at the bottom as


you can see here


this is actually a repeat button where


you can just repeat the same video over


and over again meaning once this video


finished playing they're gonna go on and


play this video once again and you're


gonna find new video ads that you can


make money passively


without you actually actively watching


the video so right now i wanna give you


another bonus tip that you can make


money on swing bucks is by actually


clicking on the clicks grid as you can


see here


now every single time when you click on


these small little boxes right here


you have a chance to win up to five us


dollars now all you gotta do is just


gonna find whatever random box that you

wanna click for example if i wanna click


on this box right here and that's gonna


open up a random website as you can see




so right now all you gotta do just stay


on this website for 10 seconds you don't


have to do anything right so if you are


lucky enough you can actually earn


five us dollars so right now as you can


see here clicks grid clone is actually


easy to play


just click on anywhere on the picture to


get whatever boxes that you want and you


can actually win up to five us dollars


that goes directly into your account




and every single click will open up a


sponsor's website


and you have to view for up to 10


seconds just like what i showed just now


for example if you click on this box


right here and that's gonna take you to


a random website as you can see here so


right now just stay for


10 seconds do nothing and you're


possibly able to earn


five us dollars so right now you're


gonna notice here clicks are reset daily


and midnight server time every single


day after 12 a.m


all of these boxes right here they're


gonna refresh and you can click on them


once again


so this is another bonus income trip


that you can make money on swing bugs as




so once again that's exactly how all of


these girls here from different


countries in the world


they're able to make real money online


by simply watching videos


and you can do exactly the same thing by


following all the steps that i show you


in this video so right now i want to


announce the second winner of today's


video congratulations to shubham and


also thanks for your support and




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