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 Researcher(dot)Life offers a whole set of really powerful tools for researchers — all in one place.

It requires a paid subscription, but (I think) it's totally worth it.

Below is a list of tools you will get for $99/year:

Paperpal (with unlimited access)It's an AI-powered app that will make you a better academic writer

Research Skills Courses

To help you with research writing and publication

Premium subscription of Scite (1 month)

Scite is one of my favorite apps.

It's an AI-powered app that shows you how many times an article has been cited, supported, and challenged

Scientific Illustration Tool    

To help you create infographics for your posters and presentations

Research Project Assistant

This tool will recommend literature relevant to your project.

It will also suggest journals suitable for your paper.

Submission Readiness Checker

This is an especially designed tool to check your written expression. It also evaluates if your paper is ready to be submitted or not

Academic Sentence Search Engine

A lot of folks worry that their written expression does not look "academic" enough.

You can use this tool to see if your sentences subscribe to academic conventions or not.

Live Webinar with Editors

To help you improve your manuscript.

Looks like they offer this service only for biochemistry, medicine, and humanities at the moment

Scholarcy Subscription (1 month)

Scholarcy summarizes research papers so you only spend time on reading articles that are relevant to your work

Journal Finder

If you struggle with finding out which journal you should submit your work to, this tool will help you find the journal most suitable for your work

Research Community Forum

Become part of a community of researchers and join writing groups and mentoring programs to polish your research craft

Superfast Re-edits

To help you polish you manuscript before submission

Unlimited number of revisions while you develop and draft your manuscript.


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