
 Motivation is vital because it helps you achieve your goals and become the happiest person by never losing hope.You will learn to be self-confident, patient, optimistic, skills, time management, and fighting against your fears.You can read inspirational books, listen to seminars, and put inspirational quotes on the wall or desk to stay motivated in life.Motivation gives job satisfaction, boosts student engagement, improves relationships, and makes you successful. Motivation is important in life because it helps us gain valued results like personal growth, better well-being, enhanced performance, or a sense of confidence. Motivation is a road to improve our way of feeling, thinking, and behaving. The advantages of motivation are seen in our way of living. The Indo-Pacific, sometimes known as the Indo-West Pacific or Indo-Pacific Asia, is a biogeographic region of Earth's seas, comprising the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean, the western and central Pacific Ocean, and the seas connecting the two in the general area of Indonesia.Learning about your history and heritage can help you understand how you became who you are. In fact, having a historical perspective of your heritage can serve as a guidepost and it often provides information about what you can expect in the future. This certainly does not mean that people don't have free will. I would like to discuss about the calture, education and moral values of my country in this forums.Here I choose the human rights.  The EU is stepping up its strategic engagement with the vital Indo-Pacific region. The region’s growing economic, demographic, and political weight makes it a key player in shaping the rules-based international order and in addressing global challenges. With this new strategy, the EU aims to contribute to the region’s stability, security, prosperity and sustainable development, in line with the principles of democracy, rule of law, human rights and international law Young people are key for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. They not only represent a growing share of the population in many of the EU's partner countries, but they are also driving change for a sustainable future. They are increasingly concerned, as their future is put at risk by inequalities, climate change and a conflict-ridden world. They legitimately demand swifter and more courageous solutions to global challenges and want to be heard and involved in decision-making processes.  The EU has a major responsibility to address young people's needs and aspirations, providing them with the opportunities and a seat at the decision-making table they deserve.  The Youth Action Plan is the EU's operational roadmap for engaging young people in EU external action. It will improve the way we work for and with young people worldwide.


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