PHD from Canada Or the USA

 Advantages of doing PhD from Canada or the USA:

  1. If your ultimate goal is to become a professor, there are numerous post doc options available both in academia and in world class national labs throughout these two countries.

  1. You have access to hundreds of well-known universities to which you can apply after your PhD or post doc for a tenure track position.
  2. You have access to numerous industrial startup, semi-startups or established companies to which you can apply as a researcher, specialist or even get senior positions in your field of expertise.
  3. You get get your green card (USA), permanent residence (Canada) or citizenship in due course of time.
  4. You can raise your families in good environment where education and health services are free or partially paid.

  5. In due course of time, you can buy your own house and bring your parents in either Canada or USA.
When thinking about where to get your PhD from, think about the next 10-15 years of your life before making a decision.


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