Are you the Mehdi a.s?

This guy shows up in front of a

Homicidal eyes around and says antelco


are you I'll call him I'll call him the


riser one of the cop one of the titles


of Imam al-mahdi on Islam we all know he


says to a misogynist Ram are you ok I'm


the riser homicide of the sons did not


respond back to him no no no no no no no


no I am NOT all time that's not my in


the cub and title this is the lockup of


title of my such-and-such son who is


going to be born


Muhammad Ali Salam he is called alpha


I'm I am Jaffa apne muhammad as-sadiq


Imam sorry did not reply like that


instead of all started as i'm said to


him : upon m-one be I'm Dana we are all


those who installed the humble and


command of Allah this guy did not


understand the point that imam as-sadiq


islam is trying to send a cross he


failed to understand the point so he


said to most other islam that


a fantasy hyper safe we have heard so


much in my module is I'm going to do the


pricing with the sword sword of the


are the Messiah's name replies to him


khun danai sahib of safeml Juarez's safe


each one of us is the owner of the sword


and the inheritor of the sword this guy


still did not understand the point that


imam sadiq was trying to make then


persons again asked the questions of her


aunt almighty that means then you are


the man


the word al-madiq in arabic means the


guided one in all assalam ism still did


not reply to him that no my lockup and


title is not Almaty my I am Jaffa of


muhammad as-sadiq he didn't say like


this instead he replies : an ID in Allah


we all guide towards Allah what's the


point that a moment silence God's think


he trying to send a cross and this


person is not understanding the point of


Imam Mehdi in Islam the point to


understand is there is no difference


between imam sadiq ali Salam and Imam al


Mahdi alaihi Salam if the people if the


community were performing their


political obligations the way we do our


rest of the religious obligations has


considered it to be an obligation and a


responsibility and a for Eva if our


communities are not separating religion


from politics and performing their


social political economic obligations


towards the imam of the time imam sadiq


islam would have established the


government of justice long before imam


mahdi will establish because all of the


amounts were sent for the same purpose


if imam sadiq could not establish the


government of justice is because the me


sock and covenant given by our souls in


the world of the souls alumel agua was


breached by the community that's the


reason imam sadiq not that imam sadiq


doesn't have the guts and talents and


attributes and highness that he's unable


to install the government no they are


all part of one no they all part of a






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