Money vs Power


vasquez must be herself


herself on walker's




and shoveling his on her uh


i'm planning on eating


we have a backup on the docket you're on


that right frank yeah i'm working with




republicans are going to ram this up on


her ass i would if i was it


even if we squeak it through the house


watch him mangle it in the senate you're


a filibuster


well sure if it looks anything like that


i don't know why walker's trying to


tackle a charging elephant


it's madness congressman sorry to


interrupt i saw you sitting over here


remy gentlemen this is remy denon remy


this is speaker birch from congress well


aware mr speaker


congressman remy just made partner at


glendon hill


glendon hill great team over there


congratulations thank you


when was the last time they added a


partner uh it's been a while well they


know a winner when they see one remy was


the best press secretary i ever had


why'd you let him go


i didn't they stole him away what


accounts do you have


sandcorp industries is my main one now


run that account now


anyhow i'll let you get back to it sorry


again to interrupt no problem


very nice to meet you both


lobbyists keep getting younger and


younger he's probably making more than


all of us combined


gentlemen this one's on me i'm gonna


track down that check


glendon hill fronts san corp industries


san corp is deep into natural gas i


don't get a hoot about natural gas


but i have 67 deputy whips and they all


need cash to win races


sanchorp helps me purchase loyalty and


in return they expect mine


it's degrading i know but when the tit's


that big everybody gets in line


tell them i'm on top of it i need more


than that you are well aware that i do


not drop the ball on things like this




promise promises frankie secretary of


state argentina the offshore driver talk


to me when i solve the problem don't


waste my time when i'm working on


assault and there's billions on the line


you can't not call me back and i can't


not show up fine thank you for your




eight figures to you in the d triple c


six million to build that library of


yours in your name


i know don't make them throw money at


your challenger next cycle


you've made your point have i i hope so



such a waste of talent he chose money


over power


in this town a mistake nearly everyone


makes money


is the mcmansion in sarasota that starts


falling apart after 10 years


power is the old stone building that


stands for centuries


i cannot respect someone who doesn't see




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