Dedicated to Dreams


There are two ways to be successful

and i don't subscribe to the first one

that's just natural talent

and i just don't believe people who are

naturally talented are better than me

i believe effort and you've heard me say

it your mama might come from privilege

your daddy might come from privilege

your daddy might own a company

you might have a father that can give

you everything your little heart desires

but you will not outwork me why because

i realize

that the bigger the dream the more

effort you're gonna have to put in

I'm saying that some of you in this room

you might have small beginnings

you might not have a lot of money you

might not have a lot of resources and i

need you to understand that the bigger

your dream is the earlier you're gonna

have to get up

the longer you're gonna have to stay up

I'm talking about concrete commitment

I'm talking about the commitment that

says i am going to stay true to

what i said i would do long after the

mood that I've said it in has left

because i think we all know in this room

character is not something

that we inherit characters something we

got to wake up every single day we gotta

fight and we gotta build it

you gotta begin with the end in mind so

whatever your dream or your goal is

you gotta wake up every day to it you

gotta go to bed with it

you gotta read stuff the music you

listen to everything you do

gotta pour into that dream i understand

it isn't a process that you get better

it's in the process that don't nobody

know your name and five years later

you're one of the best in the world why


process i don't get up at 3 o'clock in

the morning because i'm broke then why

do you get up at 3 o'clock in the

morning because i ain't finished yet

i am not phenomenally skilled but I'm

phenomenally real

my iq may never change but my will

changes every year i get stronger

and stronger and more determined why

because it's in my dna

i make the decisions every single day

to be successful or to be a failure

we're not dealing with chance no more


it's our choice if you are not

that talented you can beat them with

time you can get to the spot before they

get to the spot

get your butt up and get there get up

act like you playing basketball i like

you playing football compete

that's what bothers me many of y'all are

not competing i need effort

compete act like you playing football go

on that doggone classroom can be

many of you have lost your competitive


get your competitive edge back i'm not

against no other motivational speaker

i'm just competitive

when you dedicate your life you don't

care anything about the odds

when the dream is big enough the odds

don't matter

when you're working you have a wall to

break through

a friend of mine who runs a marathon he

says when he's running the 26 mile


he said let's say that hypothetically

that 18th mile

is the wall he said les when you get

down you're running he says

everything in you is telling you to stop

to give up

every muscle is aching and you're saying

to yourself i

can't do it i can't do it

and you just keep on and you keep on and

you keep on it seems like you're moving

in slow motion

and then eventually when you break

through that 18-mile

wall then you know it's like done in

your own automatic and you glide on

in and you know it's there you know

you're going to get to the finish line

and we've all had experiences where we

were working on something

and we knew it was possible and we did

those things that were necessary to

bring it into reality

we took the responsibility to make it

happen all the people couldn't see it

a lot of people didn't believe it you

were attacked you were criticized

people were opposing you but you kept on

doing it

it was hard it was rough it was

difficult but to you

it was worth it and eventually you got

to a level you know

can nothing stop me now i'm on the move

i'm on the move


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